Find Someone Now
No trace, no fee, with the
People Tracing Experts.
Premium Find Lost Relative Service….
100% Satisfaction Guaranteed!
This service is covered by our unique People Tracing Experts Guarantee.

This the most exclusive, detailed search we offer to find your lost relatives…
This exclusive service is not for everyone and it might not be for you. It isn’t for people who simply want to find their relative. This is for people who want an exclusive service performed by our most experienced & skilled researcher. It leaves no stone unturned, and is for people who would never settle for second best…
Beware though, we only perform a limited number of these high level searches each week because of how time intensive they are…
So what’s different from our already great Find Lost Relatives Search?
You’ll receive everything that you would receive on our standard search, this of course includes the exact address of the person you’re looking for, in addition to this you will also receive all of the following…
- 20 minute One to One Consultation with our Head Researcher to discuss your case in detail
- All Work carried out only by our Head Researcher – ensuring you the most accurate results
- More detailed report – Who do they live with, when did they get married, when did they get divorced etc Any questions you might have about the person will be answered in your detailed report
- Postal copy of your results if required – sent Guaranteed Next Day Delivery, presented in the FinderMonkey Folder
- Free After Care Pack – How should you get in touch with the person, what should you say, how have other people got back in touch. This in-depth guide is usually sold for £100 on its own! It contains everything you need to smoothly get back in touch with your person
- The Original Copies of any certificates obtained – Perfect for your records
- As a VIP customer you’ll also receive a contact letter template that you can print out or hand write if you are planning on writing a letter to the person.

And of course your results are still guaranteed!
Once we have spoken to you and confirmed all your details, you’ll be booked in for your one to one telephone consultation with our head researcher Dave Oates. Dave is one of the UK’s top People tracers, his people location skills have been featured in the Daily Mirror and on BBC Radio.
The consultation will last approximately 20 minutes and Dave will perform his preliminary checks with you on the phone.
Limited places..
If you would like to proceed with this high level search then please call us on 0113 3660242 but be aware, Dave’s time is quickly filled so we only take a small number of these high level searches each week and demand is very high.
- We guarantee our results so we’ll trace the exact person you’re looking for!
- This service is the most detailed and in-depth investigation we offer