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No trace, no fee, with the
People Tracing Experts.
Find Lost Relatives – Don’t Wait Another Day…
100% Satisfaction Guaranteed!
This service is covered by our unique People Tracing Experts Guarantee.

Find Lost Relatives Who Are Missing From Your Life…
Contemplating never seeing someone again isn’t easy. Knowing they’re out there somewhere is hard to take. We understand what its like to miss someone…
Not knowing where to start looking for them, not knowing how you can contact them…
We Will Find Your Lost Relative For You!
Our expert researchers help people fill the void created by long lost relatives not being there…
If you’re desperate to know where a relative is, we can help you!
We’re asked to find lost relatives for a variety of reasons…
You might want to trace a birth parent and find out who you really are!
You might have a brother or sister you really want to meet for the first time!
Maybe you need to ask a distant relative a question, we’ll get you the answers your crave!
You could be looking to reconnect with a son or daughter and build some old bridges!
Fill in our find lost relatives order form and you’ll be back together, in next to no time
Remember, we are the UK’s specialists at finding lost relatives so it’s not unusual for us to trace a person who has not been seen for 40 years or more. We can find your relatives with only small amounts of information like we did recently for Brenda Brewer from Keighley…
“I am so pleased at the fast response finding my son in a week, unbelievable. What a team. We have all met already looking forward to the future after 37 years apart, I cannot speak highly enough of FinderMonkey”
Many People Wonder How We Can Trace Your Exact Relative…
Our expert researchers take the details you provide and cross reference them on our databases, only when we find a 100% match do we provide our findings on to you. Our reputation to find lost relatives has been built by finding the exact person, first time and every time…
- We guarantee that we’ll trace the exact relative you’re looking for!
So Don’t Wait Another Day, call us on 0113 4363690 and we’ll help you find lost relatives
Some Further information about our service to find your lost relatives
We understand that its sometimes a difficult decison to find your lost relatives. You don’t know how you will be recieved or if you are doing the right thing. To feel like this is completely normal. The truth is we cannot give you any guarantee that things will end perfectly, all we can say is in our experience things do work out well. This is to do with our stratergy and how we act as an intermediary with you until both parties are happy to make contact directly. Our find lost relatives search is a market leader because of the skill and effort our team put into each search, so if you’re really serious about finding your lost relatives then we would suggest you fill in the form today. We’ll then provide you with a free consultation to help make sure its something you want to go ahead with, if you do we’ll get started.
We hope you choose People Tracing Experts to find lost relatives