Find Your Father
No trace, no fee, with the
People Tracing Experts.
Find My Father – Let Us Help You Find Your Father
100% Satisfaction Guaranteed!
This service is covered by our unique People Tracing Experts Guarantee.

Is Your Father Missing From Your Life?
Do you want to get in touch with your father? Maybe catch up on old times or build a brand new relationship and find out more about where you came from. We know how you feel!
We help people just like everyday by putting them back in touch with their fathers!
As one of the UK’s leading services for locating people we are ideally placed to locate your father. We’ll discreetly and legally trace him to his current address and if we can’t do that for you, there is no charge for our efforts…
Maybe you’re scared that we won’t be able to find your father, well we find over 90% of the people we are asked to trace so you’re in the right place, just like Kelsey Makepeace was earlier this year…
“I can’t believe you helped me find my father! Thank you so much, your help is really appreciated and what you have done means so much to me”
Imagine the moment when we have found your father. Some of our customers have talked about the relief they feel at that moment, others are incredibly nervous so we know what you’ll be going through. Don’t feel like you are facing this alone, you’ll be assigned your own researcher who’ll help you through the process and our aftercare pack will inform you exactly how to make that all important first contact.

We understand this is a big deal for you and something that you’ll have been thinking about so when you use us, we assure you that we’ll do everything we can to help you.
Spending time with people that matter is so important, so it’s such a great feeling for us to reunite so many people with their father’s, we’ve been there and seen it all before.
You need to know we have found your father and not just someone with the same name…
We GUARANTEE that if we say we’ve found your father, we have. If we are wrong we’ll give you your money back but we have stringent checks in place to make sure we have traced the correct person and we can find your father with only small amounts of information…